Monday, September 30, 2024
HomeTop HeadlinesCharukala and Honorable Lady impress

Charukala and Honorable Lady impress

Charukala and Honorable Lady impressed when the horses were exercised here on Monday morning (Sept. 30).

Outer sand:

1000m: Mastercraft (rb) 1-16, 800/1-1.5, 600/47. Easy.

1200m: Vivaldi (rb) 1-30, 1000/1-14, 800/57.5, 600/43.5. Unextended. Dramatic (rb) 1-30, (1200-600) 41. Eased up.

Inner sand:

600m: Emperor Vikram (rb) 45.5. Easy. Authentic Bell (rb) 43. Fit. King’s Battalion (Shah Alam) 41.5. Shaped well. Miss Allure (rb) 43. Niggled. Atreides (rb) 46.5.

800m: Stolen Glance (rb) 59, 600/43.5. Imperial Gesture (rb) 1-2, 600/47. Easy. Ashwa Dev (Farid Ansari) 56.5, 600/42.5. Urged in the last part. A 2-y-o (Akeed Champion – Sabarina) (M.S. Deora) 1-0, 600/44.5. Handy. Avantador (rb), Seika Katsu (N. Murugan) 1-3, 600/48. A 2-y-o (French Navy – High Above) (N. Darshan) 1-2.5, 600/47. Easy. A 2-y-o (Dreamfield – Lady Of Fame) (rb) 1-1.5, 600/46. Easy. A 2-y-o (Dali – Deauville Diva) (rb) 1-1.45, 600/45.5. Easy.

1000m: Sensibility (M.S. Deora) 1-10, 800/57.5, 600/44. In fine condition. Pirate’s Love (rb) 1-15.5, 800/1-0.5, 600/45.5. Easy. Everwin (Inayat), Element (Shah Alam) 1-12, 800/55.5, 600/41.5. They moved neck and neck and finished together. Sweet Legacy (rb) 1-9, 800/56, 600/42.5. Unextended. Charukala (rb) 1-6, 800/52.5, 600/42.5. Impressed. Face Off (rb) 1-11, 800/55, 600/41.5. In finie nick. Gingersnap (M.S. Depra) 1-10, 800/57.5, 600/44.5. Extended. A 2-y-o (Leitir Mor – Selfi Star) (rb), a 2-y-o (Planetaire-Alvarita) (rb) 1-16, 800/1-1.5, 600/47. Former started four lengths behind and finished two lengths ahead. Vishwas (rb), Dark Son (rb) 1-13.5, 800/59, 600/45. They finished together.

1200m: Honorable Lady (M.S. Deora) 1-23, 1000/1-8, 800/54.5, 600/42. Moved attractively. Alpha Domino (N. Darshan) 1-28.5, 1000/1-13, 800/58.5, 600/44. Moved on the bit.

Noted on Sunday (Sept. 29):

Inner sand:

600m: Loch Lomond (rb) 47.5.

800m: Sweet Legacy (rb) 55, 600/41. Moved well.

1000m: Little Wonder (rb) 1-3, 600/47.5. Easy. Pirate’s Love (M.S. Deora) 1-14, 800/58.5, 600/44.5. Moved freely. Chareukala (rb) 1-6.5, 800/55, 600/43.5. In good condition. Ashwa Dev (A.M. Tograllu) 1-17, 800/1-1.5, 600/45.5. Handy.

1200: Pneuma (M.S. Deora) 1-33, 1000/1-16.5, 800/1-2, 600/47.5. Easy. Go For The Moon (P. Vikram) 1-25, 1000/1-10, 800/57, 600/44.5. In fine trim. Twinkleinhereyes (rb) 1-27.5, (1200-600) 39.5. Eased up.



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