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Dash, Running Star and Northern Singer impress

Dash, Running Star and Northern Singer impressed when the horses were exercised here on Monday (July 15) morning.

Sand track:

600m: Fiery Red (S. Kamble) 41. Easy. Star Gallery (Tograllu), Street Sense (Zameer) 40. They ended level. Zarkan (Zameer) 42. Easy.

800m: Fable (S. Kamble), Serengeti (Sandesh) 52, 600/39. Former finished four lengths ahead. Escape Velocity (Kaviraj), Continental Drift (app) 52, 600/39. They moved level freely. Winter Agenda (C.S. Jodha) 54, 600/40. Worked freely. Fidato (Mustakim), Star Of Asia (Saba) 51, 600/38. Pair moved level freely. Star Impact (Shelar), Ashwa Supremo (Peter) 54, 600/40. Both were urged and ended level. Son Of A Gun (Mustakim) 52, 600/39. Slightly urged. Rising Power (Saba) 53, 600/40. Moved freely. Thundering Phoenix (C.S. Jodha), Multiverse (Nirmal Jodha) 51, 600/38. They moved neck and neck freely. Hilma Klint (Mustakim) 52, 600/40. Pushed. New Dimension (Peter) 53, 600/40. Moved freely. Mirae (Mustakim) 52, 600/39. Urged. Bombay (Saba) 56, 600/42. Ridden out. New Yorker (Saba) 55, 600/41. Worked freely.

1000m: Ocean (Santosh), Aerodynamic (Neeraj) 1-8, 800/53, 600/40. Former started and finished two lengths ahead. Hall Of Grace (Sandesh) 1-7, 800/53, 600/42. Worked well. Pure For Sure (Nirmal Jodha), Malet Spring (M.S. Deora) 1-6, 800/51, 600/38. Both moved level impressively. Dash (Yash), Bubbly Boy (S.J. Sunil) 1-5, 800/51, 600/38. Former made up four lengths and easily finished a distance ahead. Running Star (Yash), Eaton Square (S.J. Sunil) 1-6, 800/52, 600/39. Former started three lengths behind and comfortably finished well clear. Divine Hope (Yash), Giant King (S.J. Sunil) 1-7, 800/52, 600/39. Former finished three lengths ahead. Quicker (Peter), Hooves Of Thunder (Shelar) 1-8, 800/54, 600/41. Former moved well and finished a distance ahead. Northern Singer (Mustakim) 1-5, 800/50, 600/38. Responded well. Showman (Saba) 1-8, 800/53, 600/40. Moved well. Count Of Savoy (Yash) 1-7, 800/52, 600/39. Moved fluently. Star Prosperity (S.J. Sunil) 1-7, 800/52, 600/39. Good work. Geographique (Neeraj), Flaming Lamborgini (Shelar) 1-10, 800/55, 600/41. Former better. Pride’s Prince (C.S. Jodha), Knight Crusader (V. Bunde) 1-9, 800/55, 600/42. Former trounced the latter by a distance. Coeur De Lion (Mustakim) 1-7, 800/53, 600/41. Pushed. Aperol (C.S. Jodha), Ghirardelli (S. Kamble) 1-9, 800/54, 600/41. Former finished five lengths ahead. Big Red (Hamir) 1-8, 800/53, 600/40. Good. Rasputin (Hamir) 1-6, 800/52, 600/39. Pleased. Treat (Neeraj), Inquilab (Shelar)
1-8, 800/53, 600/40. Pair urged and finished level.

Gate practice— sand track:

1000m: El Greco (C. Umesh) 1-7, 800/52, 600/40. Jumped out well. Celestina (Chouhan), Cache (Kirtish) 1-14, 800/57, 600/42. Both were easy. Taabiir (Gore) 1-12, 800/55, 600/41. Moved freely. Colonel Saab (M.S. Deora), Timeless Vision (Nirmal Jodha) 1-9, 800/54, 600/41. They finished level freely. Sands Of Dubai (Santosh), Highground (S. Kamble) 1-6, 800/51, 600/40. Former finished five lengths ahead. Abhidhyan (app), Malakhi (app) and Sentinel (app) 1-6, 800/51, 600/39. Trio jumped out well and were separated by two lengths each. Inverness (app), Mila (app) 1-10, 800/52, 600/39. Former beat the latter by a distance.

Note: Due to incessant rainfall on Sunday (July 14) morning, the sand track was waterlogged and hence there was no fast work.



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