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HomeTop Headlines First Empress, Safety and Element please

 First Empress, Safety and Element please

First Empress, Safety and Element pleased when the horses were exercised here on Tuesday morning (Aug. 27).

Outer sand:

600m: Dark Son (Koshi Kumar) 45.5. Easy.

800m: Annette (C. Brisson), Moriset (rb) 57, 600/42.5. A fit pair. Royal Icon (rb), Kings Return (rb) 58, 600/43. They shaped well. Silk Stuff (rb), Saintly Star (rb) 59, 600/43.5. They finished together. Zen Zero (rb) 1-3, 600/47.5. Knotty In Blue (A.M. Tograllu) 1-0, 600/44.5. Easy.

1000m: Rinello (Ram Nandan), Windsor Walk (S. Kabdhar) 1-13.5, 800/57, 600/44. Former stretched out well and finished three lengths in front. First Empress (Bharat Mal) 1-5, 800/57, 600/40. Moved attractively. Everwin (rb), Lumiere (rb) 1-15.5, 800/59, 600/45. They were easy and level. Silver Soul (rb) 1-13.5, 800/57.5, 600/44.5. In good shape. Safety (rb), Element (rb) 1-11.5, 800/55.5, 600/42. They moved well. Royal Tapestry (rb), Paris O’Connor (rb) 1-16, 800/59, 600/45.5. They were easy. Clockwise (rb), Supreme Dance (rb) 1-19, 800/1-3, 600/48.

12000m: Off Shore Breeze (rb), Emperor Charmavat (rb) 1-32, 1000/1-15, 800/59, 600/44. They are in good shape.

Inner sand:

600m: Knotty Power (N. Darshan) 1200-600) 45.

800m: Royal Chivalry (Ram Nandan), Brook Magic (S. Kabdhar) 57.5, 600/42. They are in fine shape. Its My Chance (rb), Midnight Sparkle (rb) 1-1.5, 600/46.5.

1000m: Rubert (rb) 1-15, 800/1-0.5, 600/46.5. Easy. Wisaka (Farid Ansari) 1-12, 800/57, 600/41. Worked well. Rising Tycoon (rb), Dear Lady (S. Kabdhar) 1-11, 800/55, 600/41.5. They are in fine shape. Forest Lake (S. Kabdhar), Autumn Shower (rb) 1-17, 800/59, 600/44.5. They finished together. Our Asset (rb) 1-16, 800/1-2, 600/47.5. Romualdo (rb) 1-17, 800/1-1.5, 600/47. Easy.

1200m: Words Worth (rb) 1-31, (1200-600) 42. Eased up. Radiant Joy (Farid Ansari) 1-33, 1000/1-17, 800/1-2, 600/46. Easy.

Gate practice (inner sand):

1000m: Masterpiece (Ram Nandan), Asta (C. Brisson), Seattle Blue (S. Kabdhar) 1-4.76. They jumped out well. Bluemed (Inayat), Diamond And Pearls (rb), Swarga (Koshi Kumar) 1-5.28. They took a good jump. Priceless Beauty (A.S. Peter), Hawk Of The Wind (M. Bhaskar) 1-8.60. They jumped out well. Greeley (Ram Nandan), Honorable Lady (Shyam Kumar) 1-8.05. A good jump. Majestic Princess (Shankar Lal), Avantador (R. Manish), Vellaiamma (Farid Ansari) 1-6.19. A fit trio. Admiral Shaw (rb), Aviothic (Inayat) 1-4.85. Both jumped out well. Pink Jasmine (C. Brisson), Queens Cliff (M. Bhaskar), Eternal Pearl (A.S. Peter) 1-6.14. First named took a fly jump and finished in front. Sheer Rocks (Ram Nandan), Larado (Inayat) 1-6.02. A level jump. Authentic Bell (Farid Ansari), Mahadevi (rb) 1-6.14. Former extended and finished well in front. Constant Variable (Inayat), Abilitare (S. Kabdhar), Marquita (Koshi Kumar) 1-4.43. They took a good jump, Constant Variable finished about six lengths in front. Abnegator (Farid Ansari), The Sting (Ram Nandan), Rwanda (rb) 1-3.30. The trio took a smart jump.



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