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HomeTop Headlines Krishvi, Vandhiyathevan, Sian and Autumn Light please

 Krishvi, Vandhiyathevan, Sian and Autumn Light please

Krishvi, Vandhiyathevan, Sian and Autumn Light pleased when the horses were exercised here on Saturday morning (Sept. 7).

Outer sand:

600m: Knotty Wonder (N. Darshan) 42.5. Urged.

800m: High Tribute (Hindu Singh), Tycoonist (rb) 1-1, 600/45. They were easy and level. Precious Gift (Shyam Kumar) 58, 600/45. Shaped well.

1000m: Empire Of Dreams (M.S. Deora) 1-16, 800/59, 600/44. Extended. Edmund (M.S. Deora) 1-15.5, 800/58, 600/44. Good. Aletta (rb), Beautiful (rb) 1-15, 800/59, 600/46. They finished together. Sian (Shyam Kumar) 1-10, 800/56, 600/43. Moved well. Ashwa Dev (N. Darshan) 1-18, 800/1-2, 600/46.5. Easy. Alpha Domino (rb), Our Asset (rb) 1-18, 800/1-0, 600/45. They finished level.

1200m: Krishvi (R. Manish, Vandhiyathevan (Farid Ansari) 1-22, 1000/1-8.5, 800/55, 600/43.54. They moved impressively.

Inner sand:

800m: Amazing Joy (rb) 56.5, 600/42. Worked well. Divine Dawn (A.M. Tograllu) 1-0.5, 600/47.5. Mystic Zlatan (K.V. Baskar) 1-3, 600/48. City Of Turmeric (K.V. Baskar) 1-3, 600/48. Little Wonder (Shyam Kumar) 1-0, 600/44. Handy.

1000m: Lavish Girl (rb) 1-11.5, 800/57.5, 600/44. In good shape. Bluemed (Inayat) 1-15.5, 800/1-0, 600/46. Easy. Swarga (Ram Nandan) 1-11.5, 800/55.5, 600/42. In fine trim. Sacre Couer (N. Darshan) 1-17, 800/1-1, 600/46. Easy. Pink Jasmine (Shyam Kumar) 1-10, 800/55, 600/40. In fine nick. A 2-y-o (Deauville – Irises) (rb), Memory Lane (rb) 1-19, 800/1-3, 600/48. They moved freely. Forest Lake (A.M. Tograllu), Autumn Shower (rb) 1-8.5, 800/53.5, 600/41. They impressed. Sensations (K.V. Baskar) 1-12.5, 800/57.5, 600/44. Unextended. Empress Eternal (Farid Ansari) 1-17.5, 800/1-2.5, 600/46.5. Easy.

200m: Autumn Light (A.M. Tograllu) 1-23.5, 1000/1-6.5, 800/52.5, 600/40. Moved attractively.

Noted on Friday (Sept. 6):

Outer sand:

600m: Silk Stuff (Ram Nandan) 46. Easy.

Inner sand:

800m: Queen Anula (K.V. Baskar) 54, 600/39.5. Stretched out well. Edmund (rb) 1-1, 600/45.5. Easy. King Sun (R. Manish), Maranello (N. Murugan) 56.5, 600/43.5. They finished together. Sensations (rb) 1-3, 600/48. Easy. Cloud Jumper (Shyam Kumar) 1-0, 600/454.5. Handy.

1000m: Red Pencil (rb) 1-18, 800/1-3, 600/48. Easy. Precious Gift (Shyam Kumar) 1-16, 800/1-0.5, 600/45.5. Moved freely. Rays Of Sun (M. Bhaskar), Ruling Star (Yash Narredu) 1-6, 800/52.5, 600/40. Latter started four lengths behind, responded well to the urgings and finished level.

1400m: Our Asset (rb), Alpha Domino (rb) 1-46.5, 1200/1-28, 1000/1-12.5, 800/58, 600/44. They moved well.



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