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Track Work – The Hindu

Positano, Last Wish and Once You Go Black pleased when the horses were exercised here on Tuesday morning (June 18).

Outer sand

600m: Once You Go Black (S.J. Moulin) 43. Impressed. The Leader (B. Paswan) 46. Easy. Glaze (Rajesh K), Burning Arrow (rb) 44.5. They finished together.

1000m: Kalki (Darshan), Secret Saint (Abhay S) 1-14.5, 600/44.5. Former started five lengths behind and finished level.

1200m: Iron King (B. Paswan) 1-30.5, 1,000/1-15, 600/44. In fine trim. Last Wish (Antony) 1-30, 1,000/1-12.5, 600/42. Moved fluently. Legendary Impact (Vishal B), Recreator (Vivek) 1-30, 1,000/1-14.5, 600/43.5. Former finished six lengths ahead.

1400m: Positano (Akshay) 1-42, 1,200/1-25.5, 1,000/1-11.5, 600/43.5. A fine display.

Gate practice — inner sand

1200m: Top Of The Line (G. Vivek), LG’s Star (rb) 1-22, (1,200-600) 42. Former finished two lengths ahead. Desert Kingdom (Hindu S), Desert Goddess (S.J. Moulin) 1-27, (1,200-600) 41. They jumped out well. Jully (Arshad) 1-26, (1,200-600) 43. Jumped out well. Duke Of Tuscany (Deepak S), Life’s Journey (rb) 1-30.5, (1,200-600) 46.5. They took a level jump and eased up in the last part. Augusto (Indrajeet), Emeraldo (S. Shareef) 1-24, (1,200-600) 42. They finished together. Imperial Blue (rb) 1-23.5, (1,200-600) 42.5. Jumped out smarly. Super Ruffian (Shreyas), Rule Of Law (rb) 1-26, (1,200-600) 40. They took a good jump and finished level.

Outer sand — June 17

1000m: Mescalito (Indrajeet) 1-11.5, 600/42.5. Strode out well.

1200m: Tehani (Akshay) 1-28.5, 1,000/1-13.5, 600/45. Shaped well.

1400m: Xaily (J. Chinoy), Regal Reality (P. Trevor) 1-45, 1,200/1-28, 1,000/1-12.5, 600/42. Latter started two lengths behind and finished level.

Outer sand — June 16

600m: Divine Prophecy (rb) 46. Easy. Silver Strike (Vishal B.) 46. Moved freely. Amazing Ruler (Vishal B), All Attractive (P. Ramesh) 41. Former showed out.

1000m: Regal Reality (Shreyas) 1-15.5, 600/45. Shaped well. Elizabeth Regina (Koshi K) 1-15.5, 600/44. Moved well.

1200m: All Attraction (P. Ramesh) 1-30.5, 1,000/1-14.5, 600/43. Worked well. The Grey Geranium (rb) 1-26.5, 1,000/1-12.5, 600/45. Pleased. Fast Pace (P. Ramesh) 1-29.5, 1,000/1-13, 600/43. Moved impressively. Carat Love (Vishal B), Hyder (Koshi K) 1-31.5, 1,000/1-16, 600/46. Former finished five lengths ahead.

1400m: Elpenor (Shreyas) 1-43.5, 1,200/1-27, 1,000/1-12.5, 600/41.5. Stretched out well. Del Aviz (J. Chinoy) 1-40, 1,200/1-25, 1,000/1-10.5, 600/43.5. Moved fluently. El Asesino (Shreyas) 1-42, 1,200/1-25, 1,000/1-10, 600/43. A fine display. Finley (Shreyas) 1-45.5, 1,200/1-29, 1,000/1-14, 600/43.5. In fine condition.



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